"I didn't call because I didn't know what to say..."
"I would've sent something, but I didn't want to send the wrong thing..."
"I didn't walk over and hug her because I didn't want to make her uncomfortable..."
How to Support Your Friend or Loved One...

Birth- Help Create Memories
Offer to purchase her birth pictures or be the photographer if you're close enough
Baby Look-alike Doll (for after birth so the gender, color hair, etc. is known)
*Tip* Send the nurse's station a gift basket - they will take better care of your loved ones!
Make a Memory While Pregnant
Take pregnancy photos while pregnant
Go on a typical family vacation while pregnant- take lots of pics as a family
Practical Support
Coordinate a Meal Train or Take Them a Meal
Offer to clean their house/do laundry/do dishes during pregnancy or postpartum. She can say in the bedroom and rest, or you can come over while she's out.
Offer to watch the older children so the parents can go talk about life, go on a date, go to counseling, or to a prenatal appointment alone.
Say you're sending over some food & that you'll leave it on the front porch (less pressure).
Get some friends/church ladies together and go in on 4 weekly massages.
Offer to take the kids for the today, so she can rest or even cry without having to "hold it together" for the kids.
What To Say... What To Do...
Yes it's ok to call... If she doesn't answer, leave a lovely voicemail sharing your condolences.
Send a simple text. Not once, but every week or two, for a few. And again monthly on the day baby was born/died.
"Thinking about you today friend..."
"I'm praying for your sweet heart..."
"I'm here when you're ready to talk...Is today a good day?"
Offer to bring her over some tea and hear all about your beautiful birth... and anything else she's ready to talk about.
Offer to come run her a lovely hot bath. Bring some essential oils, offer to add to the tub. Make her some tea & set beside the tub for her.