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Our Story.

Two Lines.

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

A story about a couple diagnosed with Trisomy 18 (a lethal fetal diagnosis) at 30 weeks, and the support that got them through their unthinkable journey. Why staying pregnant was a beautiful choice for Brian & Liz.

Pregnancy #2, began the same way most do...

Our second pregnancy was a welcome blessing. I was 32 years old, and my husband Brian and I were over the moon to be pregnant with our second. We were in heaven parenting a silly and adventurous little 1.5 year old. Maybe it was the honeymoon phase of becoming a family. All was wonderful. We felt invincible in growing our little family. Some friends of ours had struggled getting pregnant, and others that miscarried. Others really didn't enjoy pregnancy very much or the early years of parenting. I loved being pregnant, and had throughly enjoyed nurturing our little one.

We approached pregnancy very naturally, and had our first birth at home. We saw the same midwife we used with our first pregnancy. Again, all went well, and we felt on top of the world heading into this pregnancy. I was able to be at home with Cord, and we were best buddies as we ran errands and played together all the time. Brian & I loved co-sleeping, babywearing, and cloth diapering. Our biggest worries were that Cord didn't sleep through the night, and we wondered how that would work with 2 little ones. We lived in a super small little town in the mountains in Colorado- adventuring was easy, and we loved being outdoors. Sounds lovely huh? It was. It is. Looking back though, it just feels like a dream... (To Be Continued.)


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